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Graduate Study Home


The application for graduate programs has a few parts, please be sure to submit the online application, and send a portfolio, 3 letters of recommendation, and a statement of intent per the instructions below:

  • Graduate (MFA, MA) Application

    • Deadlines:    
      • March 1 for the following fall semester
      • October 15 for the following spring semester
  • Portfolio
    • Applicants for graduate study in the Department of Art and Design must submit quality digital images in either a singe Portable Document Format (.pdf) or PowerPoint (.ppt, .pptx) file, containing 15 different artworks made by the applicant. With each image applicants must submit caption information: (title, year(s) of making, materials, and dimensions (H x W x D in inches).
  • Letters of Recommendation
    • Applicants must include three academic or professional letters of recommendation
  • Statement of Intent
    • Applicants must submit a 500-word Statement of Intent as a .doc, .rtf or .pdf file, outlining the following:
      • the intended program of study (e.g. painting, ceramics)
      • the intended degree (MA or MFA) to be pursued
      • experience working in the intended discipline or medium
      • goals for graduate study in the ISU program
  • The Letters of Recommendation the Statement of Intent and a single Portable Document Format or PowerPoint file should have file names that include the applicant's last name, (for example, “johnson portfolio.ppt”) and sent via WeTransfer to





While graduate students enroll and follow curricula in broader MFA and MA programs, they have opportunities to pursue work in the following areas as a part of their study. The Department of Art and Design has faculty, facilities and equipment dedicated to each of these areas. 


